Managers of ex-Mafia assets
If running a large hotel in the middle of a financial crisis and a shrinking market sounds difficult, try pulling it off when the 14-storey building has been confiscated from the Mafia. “Call it fearlessness or perhaps stupidity,
I’m not sure which it was, but I took this on as I would any other job,” says Luigi Turchio, the soft-spoken court-appointed administrator of the San Paolo Palace hotel and conference centre in Sicily.
Intimidation from the local crime boss and finding that the crime boss’s mistress was on the staff are just a few of the challenges Mr Turchio has faced in the 19 years since a court appointed him to manage the 283-room hotel on the edge of the Mafia-infested Brancaccio neighbourhood of Palermo, the Sicilian capital. His job has included weeding out employees still answering to the jailed crime boss and renegotiating contracts formerly made with the mafia.
Fonte testo e foto:
Valorizzazione delle competenze dei dirigenti industriali di Milano per la gestione delle imprese sequestrate e confiscate alla mafia: progetto nato dalla collaborazione di Assolombarda insieme all’agenzia per la destinazione dei beni sequestrati.